Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Baltimore museum weekend

Last weekend we went to Baltimore and visited the American Visionary Art Museum - a one of a kind display place with works from self- taught artists, generally considered "outsiders." Those who work with non-traditional mediums, often with other other professions -art as an avocation. Very cool and sensory overload! The picture below depicts a mosaic covered school bus with clay animals and flowers.  The front of the museum is a mosaic of mirrors and tiles.
Then a walk through downtown Baltimore and a stop at the Walters art museum. We only got through one floor of 19th century art. More trips to Baltimore are in store for us.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Voices Heard on Capitol Hill

From Banking to Healthcare to Manufacturing -- everyone wants their voice heard.  Hearings, Hill visits by Association constituents and presentations by Members of Congress dominated our Spring and continue to fill up our Fall calendar.